
Showing posts from November, 2019

Ultrasound Baby Scan Clinic Unfolds the Early Signs of Pregnancy - I

Are you wondering if you could be pregnant? While missed period, pregnancy tests and baby ultrasounds in Watford are the most common ways to find out. Well, there are many early signs that may point to its possibility too. However, the symptoms may vary in the intensity, frequency and duration for different moms-to-be. Here is what to look for. Spotting and Cramping: After conception, one of the earliest signs of pregnancy is spotting and cramping. This is called implantation bleeding. It can occur anywhere from six to twelve days after the egg is fertilized. Some common signs of implantation bleeding includes pink, red or brown coloured spotting, bleeding, mild, moderate or severe pain that may last lass than three days and does not require a treatment. Besides bleeding, you may notice a white milky discharge from the vagina. Missed Period: After the implantation is complete, you will likely miss your period four weeks after misconception. It is recommended to take